What is the largest animal in the world

What is the largest animal in the world

The animal kingdom is full of amazing species that are capable of leaving us with our mouths open: some animals run very fast, others fly very fast and other animals are a bit rare. But if you are the kind of person who hallucinates, when he sees the size of an African elephant, keep reading this article in which we discover what the largest animal in the world is. You will be amazed!

What is the largest animal in the world

The largest animal is… a worm!

Yes, yes: you read that right. The largest animal in the world is a worm, specifically, the Lineus longissimus popularly known as the “bootlace worm”. The largest specimen was found in the National Park of the Ices Islands, on the Galician coast, where a specimen of 30 meters in length was found.

However, this is not the largest specimen that has been found: in fact, in its natural habitat, in Great Britain, a 60-meter worm has been found. With these data we can affirm that the Lineus longissimus is the largest animal on the planet, without a doubt.

The largest mammal in the world

How were we going to make an article about the world’s largest animal without mentioning whales? The blue whale is the largest mammal that inhabits the Earth measuring between 25 and 30 meters in length. The weight of this whale amounts to more than 200 tons and is capable of eating between 4 and 8 tons of krill every day (a set of crustaceans malacostracans that serve as food for blue whales).

The largest blue whale specimens were found in the 1930s near the South Atlantic Islands. As a curiosity, it should be noted that when a blue whale exhales air through its hole, it shoots a strong jet that can reach up to 9 meters high!

The largest ovipede in the world

We continue our list submerged underwater because the world’s largest oviped also lives in the deep sea. We are talking about the whale shark, a fish that can measure between 6 and 10 meters and weigh around 18 tons.

Its natural habitat is the Indian Ocean, especially northwestern Australia. It feeds on plankton and is a very docile and friendly animal with humans.

The largest reptile in the world

And we finish our list on what is the largest animal in the world talking about the largest reptile in the world: the anaconda. This fearsome freshwater snake inhabits the tropical climates of South America, especially in the Amazon area.

It is an animal that has caused the appearance of many myths, among them, the supposed existence of an anaconda of 50 meters in length. However, such large specimens have never been seen, being 6 meters the normal size of anacondas with an average weight of 250 kilos and a thickness of 40 centimeters. It is, without a doubt, the queen of reptiles!

If you want to read similar articles to What is the largest animal in the world, we recommend that you enter our category of The Animal World.


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