How to breed earthworms

How to breed earthworms

Breeding earthworms is easy, a profitable hobby and a daring business. The worms do not need daily care and grow little by little, they are also a wonderful compost. Learn to raise earthworms for personal gain or to sell them, as they are one of the most used baits in fishing and you can earn a little money.

Steps to follow:

How to breed earthworms

First you need to decide what kind of earthworm you would like to breed. The most popular for breeding are the red worm (they are the smallest in size but grow fast) and the night worm (larger in size and good bait for fish).

Prepare a place to breed your earthworms. For the interior, you can use a bathtub with a cover. For the exterior, you can cut off the bottom of a bathtub and bury a part in the ground. The bathtub will keep the worms in a sector of the floor and keep away other animals that can disturb them.

Keep worms moist and in the dark where they develop. It provides organic material like leaves, grass, manure, kitchen scraps, compost, all that feeds them. Place this material on top of the tub, the worms crawl to the food and go back down to their burrows when they finish.

Feed the earthworms once a week. The calculation is half a kilo of food per 30 cubic centimeters of space per month. If the feeding is weekly, divide the amount of food into four parts. Wet your soil with every meal, but be careful not to add too much water that forms puddles. Earthworms can drown in standing water.

Cover the tub to keep moisture inside. Make sure the constant temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius, as it is the temperature range needed to breed earthworms. Here are other tips to keep in mind:

  • If the soil is very acidic add lime ash and some wood to the soil every two months to keep the pH level between 6.8 and 7.2
  • Repeat. Always keep worms in moist soil, but do not add too much water because they can drown.

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