What is the strongest animal in the world

What is the strongest animal in the world

The natural world is simply wonderful and the more we know about it, the more impressed we are of the ability of certain species to survive in hostile environments, feed effectively and thrive in the most diverse ecosystems successfully.

What is the strongest animal in the world

And undoubtedly one of the abilities that is most valued in nature is strength, so holding the title of the strongest animal in the world is an achievement that deserves recognition. Among the thousands of species that exist, do you know which is the strongest animal in the world? In we reveal it to you in detail and we guarantee that it will surprise you.

The strongest animal is a beetle!

When we talk about strength, it is normal to think of a powerful feline like the tiger or the lion or a huge mammal like the elephant, however the strength in the animal kingdom is reduced to something much simpler: proportion and endurance. This is why the strongest animal in the world is the rhinoceros beetle, an insect that measures just 4.5 centimeters in length but is nevertheless able to carry 850 times its weight and support it for at least an hour. A titanic feat without a doubt!

Although it is clear that animals such as the bear, the elephant or the tiger have a great strength, what characterizes the rhinoceros beetle is its strength in proportion to its size, standing out from other animals. Something similar happens with the fastest animal in the world, a mite that in proportion moves at a speed that nobody would get.

Why so much strength?

The rhinoceros beetle is that strong precisely because of its small size. When an animal makes the physical effort of carrying an object, it must not only move that object but also its own weight, so the heavier it is, the less volume it will have the ability to move. In large animals the difference between mass and strength is greater than in small animals.

The beetle only has to lift a small amount of its own weight, which leaves it with a lot of force for higher loads of great weight for its build.

A powerful horn

This animal owes its name to the characteristic horn with which it has and that inevitably reminds of a rhinoceros. As it is not able to bite or sting, its horn is its best defense, with it is able to dig quickly to hide under the ground and thus flee from threats. In addition, this particular extension also serves to face his peers in order to get the best female in his environment and mate with her.

Other strong and powerful animals

  • The elephant: it is the strongest mammal in the animal kingdom, weighing 7,500 kilos or more, it is capable of carrying 130 adult humans lying down.
  • The tiger: it is undoubtedly a powerful feline because it has a weight close to 200 kilos however it is capable of dragging a prey of up to 500 kilos which makes it a feared and powerful hunter.
  • The gorilla: this animal is known for its enormous corpulence; it can weigh up to 200 kilos or more. His strength is such that he would be able to kill 10 men without problem, making him one of the strongest in the animal kingdom.
  • The eagle: in addition to fast and excellent hunters, eagles can lift up to 4 times their weight, flying with bulky prey without losing it. That’s called endurance!
  • The grizzly bear: this incredible animal that usually weighs around 600 kilos is capable of carrying up to 544 kg without problems, 0.8 times its weight. It won’t be as much as the rhinoceros beetle, but surely no one wants to run into a furious bear.

If you want to read similar articles to What is the strongest animal in the world, we recommend that you enter our category of The Animal World.


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