Curiosities about animals

Curiosities about animals

There are some things about animals that you’ve probably never heard before. In this article I have tried to make a small compilation of some of them. They are very interesting. Can you think of anymore? If so, comment on the article so that in we can expand this list of curiosities about animals.

Curiosities about animals

The name of kangaroos in English: KANGAROO

Some Englishmen asked an Indian the name of this animal and the Indian replied: “Kan-Guh-Ru” when what that meant in their language was: “I do not understand him”. But the rebet of the indigenous gave name to the animal.

Apart from continuing to discover these curiosities about animals, if you like them a lot, we also recommend you try this TEST: What animal am I according to my personality?


Cows cannot climb stairs but they can go down.


If you cut off the head of a cockroach it will die a few days later but not because it has no head but from hunger. Hahaha!

The duck’s squawk

The duck’s squawk doesn’t echo but no one knows why. Curious, isn’t it?

If you want to read similar articles to Curiosities about animals, we recommend that you enter our category of The Animal World.


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